This game is so cute and I got to interact with a tree on the corner of my office. If it wasn't for this game I would have never thought about it further. Thank you for a creative game and I look forward to play the Ventriloquist one! Your games seem to have the most creative titles btw. Here'smy playthrough if you want to see my tree haha.
Recent community posts
Hey I played this last night and I had so much fun. The mechanic felt absolutely innovative, and the questions were well structured to feel like I was really creating an epic adventure. I posted my playthroughon my blog. Thanks for the fun game!
Hello! I played this last night and I absolutely enjoyed it. I loved the mechanics. Though I rarely replay solorpgs, this one I definitely can see myself doing so. Here is my playthrough. Thank you for a creative and aesthetically pleasing game.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)
Hello, I played this today and it reminded me of my anatomy semester back when I was in med school. Some memories of then still haunt me whether we were geninely respectful to our cadavers and your game made me contemplate about it. We tend to squish vast amount of medical knowledge in 6-year- curriculum and these ethical questions tend to be undermined; which is a real shame because those questions are the ones that are more difficult in real life than diagnosing and prescribing medications.
I absolutely enjoyed your prompts, the structure, aesthetics and instructions and most of all, your thoughts. I posted my playthrough on my blog if you want to check it out.
Thank you for a thought provoking game and I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Hello! I played your game when I was on a long flight to Sweden and I had such a warm introspective time. I added one rule that my guidance for the souls to move on should be inspired on a song I was listening to at the time. I posted the playthrough on my blog. Thank you for keeping me joyful during 20+ hrs flight :D
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hello I recently played this game and even as a long-time reader it was so refreshing to come up with my own personal meanings. I wish I knew this before I got into Tarot. I posted my playthrough on my blog if you want to check it out. Once again thank you for an insightful game :)