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A member registered Jan 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Played this with a few friends this weekend and had a blast for an hour. 

The doctor-barber claimed it laid poisonous eggs. The seamstress said it stole some special order fabrics and ran her out of town. The postman said it chased him onto the church roof and then fought off a wild wolf from the woods, leaving him in the freezing cold to eventually lose a finger to frostbite. The gravekeeper saw the goose perch on the recently deceased and mimic sucking out souls... Once its nest was found in an abandoned shed, full of sheets and mail, the postman swore to purchase a rifle and put it down. 

They warned him: runIf you see it, RUN. The visitor took this all with a grain of salt, but said he'd look out for it. The townsfolk argued among themselves about who was really at fault for some of these stories; the doctor-barber wasn't that great a doctor after all, and the seamstress shouldn't have left out her fancy fabric outside anyway. And who's to say the postman wasn't in cahoots with the goose after all?! How else would the goose gather so much mail...! 

In the end, one foggy night, the visitor crossed paths with the goose and froze, uncertain, unable to see what the fuss was all about. It was then, the postman made his daring shot and --because of his missing finger-- missed the goose entirely and caught the unfortunate visitor in the crossfire... As the visitor shuffled off this mortal coil, all he could think was, "Damn... they were right..."

(a title card I threw together to set the mood!)