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A member registered 68 days ago

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This public beta looks promising, Certainly looks better than the old demo I played recently. So I will download this new version now and play it and then review it later. Thanks for this new public beta Knuckles, can't wait for the full version whenever that is.

How come no one has made any YouTube playthroughs of this game yet? Is it cause of how early in development this build is or is it cause people just don't notice this game exists?

To be honest this game reminds me of fallout and half-life 2 beta cause of the wasteland sections. Too bad the concept never stayed in half-life 2, cause this game made me like the wasteland more in games

I bet the game will be a lot of gigabytes when it's done. What does anyone else bet?

This game has some potential. Can't wait for the full version. Whenever that is.