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A member registered Apr 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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cheers. Thanks for the feedback. We had lots of ideas for bonus and powerups etc to make the main loop more varied. Absolutely no time to implement anything in the jam time so yeah its super bare bones, but defo work on the game hasnt stopped. I want to have a play with GM online multiplayer functions too.... although couch versus is always the best way to play imo!

Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for taking the time to comment.

thanks for the feedback. We attempted to address the theme in two ways. One, that in a game of tag (with two players), the player's roles are reveresed when a tag occurs. And two, the title of the game is roles reversed.

Thanks for playing.


(1 edit)

we totally ran out of time to do any kind of instructions, or much in the way of telling the players what to do! Also couldnt figure out why you always seemed to be in a water tile on spawn?!

If it helps:

On start, one of the players is the chasee, they gain points contstantly. The chaser has to collide with the chasee to switch roles, becoming the chasee. The game is about a minute long and whoever has the most points at the end is the winner.

Lots of other stuff and ideas so there may be a post jam expanded version at some time in the future with power ups and proper score / time display.

Thanks for playing and for your feedback.

Kind regards J,P and S

Hi. FYI this game is only playable with a dual stick controller. We used an xbox pad during the jam. If there is enough interest we might do a post jam version that has keyboard control and any other extra bits and bobs that might be fun. However that will have to wait until the jam is officially done and also that real life doesn't keep getting in the way. Lol. Apologies for any confusion.

hi. It was made in gamemaker 2 using the standard left and right analog stick inputs so should work.with any dual analog pad that is compatible with GM. We used an xbox pad during development. Hope this helps.

It means A button on xbox controller. Apologies if this wasnt entirely clear. We were all very tired by the end! Keyboard control isnt really an option unless your brain is great at splitting itself in two. Hard enough moving two sticks, let alone trying to handle two sets of four keys,often using combinations of two keys. It wouldn't be any fun at all im afraid so its only for pads.

thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. :)