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A member registered Apr 18, 2016

Recent community posts

it's a little janky but damn is it awesome

thought it was fantastic and always a joy to see peeb. A lot of character and great tunes

glad to see the gun from Middens is still finding work

This was amazing! Fun, fast, responsive, tight controls and tight fluid gameplay. I'd love to see more from this game

Man, I love the character design, the combat (which most people get pretty wrong), and the writing! It's a real cool concept which would probably be woefully underwhelming in the wrong hands, but I'm so psyched for more! The red voice, while a little hammy at times, was really engaging and helped drive the tension

Seriously, holy shit this is good. Well written right from the start, inspired graphics, actually challenging but fun gameplay. It gets across that OFF/LISA/Undertale kind of character without even trying. I love the dynamic between the two leads and I'm only about 45 minutes in. Really blew me away

Such a good game! Quick, gentle, and such a pleasant atmosphere. It's not often you find a game that gets "calm" right. I love the music by the way, do you know where I who did it? I'd love to hear even more

I thought the idea of the guy who knew he was in a horror game would've been cheesy and dull, but as it kept This is a smart, clever game. Awesome job! Can't wait till the next one