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A member registered Feb 15, 2014 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Dang, that really is hard to debug if I don't see the browser console. :(

Have you tried the new update now?

Do the customers appear in the game on your end?

Can you try the new update if this fixes the problem?

Thank you very much.

I see.

I think I found something. It's probably the background(transparent image) that blocks the input of a button that isn't the button you clicked before after a certain ui appeared.

Like, you can't click the [Quest] button if a shop ui is opened. Is this what happened?

Can I ask what browser you're using?

There is no WASD controls in the game.

For now, the only thing you can do is buy items in the market which is the second button from the left and then sell it to the npc/customers using the open shop which is the first button.

Once, you have opened your shop, you need to wait for the customers to come and then set the prices.

Team Nerd

Team name: Nerds for the Game

Discord - Names - Roles

tochivelez - Chito Aldrin Velez - Artist

jennayey - Jennaleigh Angala - Artist

jvt619 - Melbert Bolocon - Programmer

gypsyJinx - Xavier Exconde - Programmer

adiotunee - Kristoffer Lirazan - Audio