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Dumont Parker Studios

A member registered Jun 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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I do plan on it, it will most likely be on IOS and I will probably put an Android Apk up for download or put it on Google Play when I can figure out how it works. But the controls are very much so designed around mobile and desktop. I like indie games where you can play on your phone or your desktop. So I try to implement that into all my games if possible 

uploaded a new version of the game, and posted a devlog with the browser I tested on. Once again sorry about the issue

I will try to look into that. I’m very sorry that it happened

I tried running this on my macbook m1 and it says this application can not be open, i have other systems to run this on but my mac is my main system, i understand that mac development.


I love this asset pack, im using it for my lawn mowing game. thank you very much for making this

Hello there, thank you for playing the game and I appreciate your input. I will take it into consideration. The bug where you must reload the game is something I do already know but thank you for noticing it. This build of the game is in very early alpha stage still. Once again thank you for playing, I hope you had fun and are looking forward to future updates!

Happy to see that game start to come along, I love the new mechanics and the speed of the game makes it a great challenge 

I saw your cave background and I now using it in my game then I decided to check out your page and played this. I was wondering if there is gonna be a full release anytime. I would very much enjoy to play a full game. Finally the last thing I have to say is your art is amazing it made my game menu go from eh to wow so thank you.