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A member registered Jul 29, 2022

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(1 edit)

Fun Little Game, short, to the point. I still don't know why my kidney was taken, but whatever I only need one. I did enjoy the brief but quite scary "chase" sequence. And i know its shameful, but here's my plug 

Bit unorthodox movement, but I very much enjoyed the sort of mini inventory you gotta manage, checking the map (because im lost), reloading the camera, and charging the light. Made a good balance with them all.

Love the dedication to the graphics and style of old Mario Kart type games. Honestly I have no clue what really went down here, but I quite like games that are this length, its perfectttt

The cartoon style really helps here, making it just that much harder to tell who's a real person. If a story mode or anything of the sort is ever added, this has insane potential. It could be the next Papers, Please game. But modern with Doppelgangers.

Alright I actually had a really good time with this. Like it speaks to the gameplay loop when I'm willing to sit here for an hour looking for mugs. Which "skill issue" I know.  The building was incredibly well designed, to the point where I struggled to explore it properly and cover ever stop when looking for mugs. The players footstep sounds cut out quite often, not that it matters much, but I thought I'd point it out, seems to have to do with me picking up a mug while its playing. sorry this is so long. Genuinely good game so THANKS!

Most intense jumpscare ive been hit by in so long, like i physically recoil everytime i lose and get hit by it!

anyways reminded me alot of the first night of The Joy of Creation, which is very good on the gameplay side, so this was a fun experience


a good little experience, feels like something from a haunted house!

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had a good time with this one!, the controls honestly I loved, added too the tension. in addition the sound effects for the gun reload were soo satisfying. 

Good, short, and stylized game. Also for those people saying its too short, NO, it's a good length.

Weirdly enough, I found this quite cozy. good short game I rate 8 out of 8, it was great!

Massive Inscryption vibes from the setting and environment. Love the night club music just bumpin in the background too!

Oddly enough this game makes it hard to sleep