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A member registered Oct 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Just the right amount of frustration to get addictive but not enough cause me to throw my computer.

Just the right amount of frustration to get addictive but not enough cause me to throw my computer.

(1 edit)

Good looking game with a fun arcade feel. I did try with the controller and it does work (y for force field) it did find it a little easier then. Still difficult but in a fun way that had me wanting to try again. Not passed the 4000 score mark yet.

After a couple of tries switching to using a controller did help with the controls. My potato laptop did cause issues with the physics with one update causing the boxes to fly everywhere (it did give me a bit of fun trying to catch one in the truck). Overall a good looking fun game, going to give it another go after work to get more than 1 box.

Fun game. I did get the 2 box bug but the timing made me first think one fell off my stack. The extra wax on the floor causing the sliding was a fun challenge.

Was quite difficult to get used to the controls, but once I did it was a fun little toy. I'll need some more time to get used to working out the paddle length before I can get resonable times worth bragging about.

Thanks for the feed back! I did forget to add to the list of controls that pressing escape shows the menu. In a later version I think I'll remove the continue option if you drop the ball... and also fix a small (non-game breaking exploit) your post just made me realise existed.

It took me way too long to work out the red block. I think it was because I was too focused on not going onto the white blocks I jumped for the grey before they disappeared. Eventually worked it out.

I agree with Mallapp about the health bar, it doesn't need to be long, just enough to let the player get out of the water if they misjudged a jump.

While it is a simple game after a couple of tries before I realised the ball bounced back and forth not enter a different screen I found it quite relaxing, not sure how but it did. Might be a combination of simple mechanics and the colour scheme.