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A member registered Oct 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much 😆

I play on the web version because I'm on Chromebook and I have so much progress that I don't wanna close the tab. Is there a way you could save it???

Scariest horror game I have played in a while 😱😱😱

How to say hi with out being gay "Hi I'm fucking straight" then stare at them.

-Straight Man

I can't speak to anyone at my school.

I really liked this game, because the last two levels were a little challenging at the beginning but then I looked at it differently and solved it. Good soup.


How did this get updated?

M a d  s u s

Fresh was not fond of quackers

Don't ask how long that took ;n;

What have I done???Companion I LOVE THOSE BOXES

I FELL THROUGH THE FLOOR ;n; with my compatibility box

SHE SAID GIVE A SMILE and I couldn't stop laughing because I just know shes a horror. AND THE BACKGROUND -u-. It was a very fun game but I was so scared at the escape part I had to swap windows and I knew my brain was right :b

I Have issues with this gam

I do have to say I had a good laugh