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A member registered Dec 27, 2019

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This is awesome Torcado! Really clever puzzle design, and I love the visuals.

I found a bug that can be used to cheese many of the puzzles...usually if you push a pepper, banana etc. off the edge you get the tear animation/reset undo prompt and can't continue...but if you reset and then undo the reset you can continue playing, and it counts as eliminating the pepper.

Yes, it plays fine other than the cropping of the screen. I mostly just wanted to let you know. I suspect it's a high dpi thing, so other people will probably have the same issue, and it might be more and more common as high dpi displays become more common. The most awkward thing was that I couldn't see the "A" and "D" so figuring out those controls was a bit of trial and error.

Quite enjoyable puzzles! However, it wasn't until I noticed the video below that I realized I was only seeing about half the screen, centered but zoomed in. I don't see the [A] and [D] or the text at the top etc, just the middle of the screen. I'm running in Windows 10 on a Dell XPS Notebook.