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A member registered Jun 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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I am in that same boat

Great concept, but you really needed to add an ability to control the puck by hitting it with the side of the bar.  As is you might as well be always playing against a wall

at first I thought this was a 2d game.  Might want to add some shading to the walls

Spoilers: its not the tic tac toe you think it is

I love the concept, the controls take a bit to figure out.  I wish there was a multiplayer version though.

I think its breaking the rules because you are the test dummy.  Your suppose to stand there and not fight back.

Love it! There could be more counter play options, but still fun.

Quite fun.  I wish sprint was faster than the hunters though.

Thanks! it was heavily inspired by baba is you.

i would be interested to see the solutions you came up with

My guess is you need Gamemaker studio 2 to open the yyp file