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Alex Chapman

A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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(4 edits)

Yeah, I can see what you mean about the strobe on the grayed-out bottom row. The canonical way around dither strobe on the Playdate (assuming 2x2 dithers) is to scroll in two-pixel increments.  If that eats into your smooovness (as I imagine it might), you might have to get resourceful. Two ideas I can imagine:

  • make the dither into a separate, transparent sprite that overprints the block and moves in 2-pixel increments, but that might be slow and a pain to track with your other sprites, not to mention make flashing effects difficult.
  • create two versions of the dithered sprites, with the dither pattern offset by one row in the alternate versions of the sprite. Then just pick the odd versions if your tile is in an odd row, and the even versions if the tile is in an even row. If you do that, the dither pattern itself stays still, while the solid-black and solid-white parts slide up under it. It would be an extra step wherever you're picking sprite frames, but depending on how that code's laid out it could be very straightforward.

Failing that, just have an accessibility toggle that, like, blacks out the center of the circle, cross, and heart, or draws them as white-on-black. Changing those three blocks would help distinguish heart from diamond, circle from both square and diamond, and the cross, well, that's just for symmetry since there are six blocks.

Oh, and a music toggle would be nice.

1.01 grants the setMenuImage wish -- great suggestion, and it let me write an instruction card. Also has the dithered score font and options to make the ball more visible (if less crisp) in bad light.

Oh and the single-player mode is just, you know, control both paddles. It's not quite chess against yourself, but it's better than poker against yourself.

Thanks. And thanks for the feedback!

(For the record, this is actually easier than Pong -- I was using the FPGA and Atari 50 remakes for reference. It's a beastly quarter-muncher.)

There is a phosphor trail on the ball for readability, but I kept it short for crispness/accuracy. I really should throw the option on the menu. Along with a ball glow.

In-game control switching would be nice (especially when I was testing and hit the wrong one), but I'm trying to lean on minimalism and A game/B game feels like classic Atari to me.

Big Old Scores come with the territory, but yeah, I realized they should be dithered immediately before realizing I really didn't want to redraw the fonts and probably nobody would care. Guess I bet wrong there.