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A member registered Jan 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Not exactly. I stopped updating (aside from that exception) in February 2017 and moved on. The code was a disaster and there wasn't much I could add without tearing everything apart.

I forgot about the game until yesterday and I decided it might be time to revisit the idea now that I'm a much better programmer than I was 2 years ago. I'm writing the engine for an update/sequel right now. Whether I see it all the way through I'm not sure, but it's likely. 

The new engine changes every aspect of how the  game plays. Before, as you know, it was based on a list of possible events and those were picked from randomly. Some events had branches but that was it. Very simple. This time around there's an actual procedurally generated world, and the characters are confined to limits of travel speed and location. Each character now has an inventory, motives, and relationships that change dynamically with their environment. The events will all be procedurally generated as well, so writing won't be necessary as the game writes itself.

It's pretty exciting, and I think it'll be a lot of fun.

I'm interested to give this a go, but heads up: You have to mark the build as Windows compatible for people to be able to download through the launcher.