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Jaime Alonso

A member registered Mar 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thaaanks! <3 

For @everyone that posted here, I will created the discord server as soon as we are enough people on Discord. So don't hesitate to acept the friend request I already sent you and lets get into business! 

(1 edit)

Hey Scorchi! There is always one space more! There are a few people that already dropped out so you are welcome. I hope you can come to an agreement with the other programmer so you can both work together on the same lenguage ^^ I'll add you on Discord 

PD: the Discord name you posted is missing one number at the end, double check that. You can also send me the friend request: Amatsu#2068

Hi! that sounds cool, we are here to learn and have fun making games :) i'll add you on disc

Okeeey, moving to gamedev was a good choice haha, you are in! i'll add you on discord

Heey! sounds good to me, i'll add you to the discord

Yes! i'll add you to the disc server

Okeey that sounds good! I'll add you on disc

Awesome! I think you can be very useful for the team ^^ I'll add you on dis

Heey! Cool, I'm adding you on disc ^^

Already sent you the Discord request ^^ I'm Amatsu#2068

Heey that is very cool! Don't worry for the lack of expirience, we are here to learn together! ^^ 

Awesome! you are in.  

Heeey! Amazing, I'll create the discord group days before the Jam ^^

Hi Hi! 

So since this topic is very interesting I'm thinking we should make a team and create something that rocks together. 

What the team needs: 


Visual (2D/3D) Artists

Story Writers

Audio Artists

If you are interested leave a comment with your skills and your Discord so I can make a server with all of us. 

PD: I'm an Audio Artist expirienced in music and sound design. 

Thanks so much for your interest! 

Hello! I am a music composer and sound designer and I would love to join your team :D 

Here is my portfolio: Jaime Music Portfolio

Also I leave my Discord here in case you were interested ^^ 


Cheers <3