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A member registered Nov 11, 2017

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My point is that it's super abnormal and a red flag at least for me, and refusing to release a zip for the people who want it is even sketchier. I totally understand that I'm in the minority here, and I just wont be able to play any more updates, but have enjoyed the updates prior. 

You're onto a very fun unique game here, and wish you good luck in the future. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Requiring an installer on an h game should be a massive red flag for anyone. Let me manage my own dependencies instead of requiring me to go through a 0 transparency Run as Admin>Next>Next>Install Miner>Finish workflow.

Any game that has issues with dependencies in 2023 is fishy af and should be avoided.

For people who actually want it, sure let em have it, but don't force the 99% of other users to use it

Super disappointed you're dropping the zip in favor for an installer. That's a non-starter for me, any plans to release both?

If I buy it here, will I be missing or time gated to patreon exclusive content?