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A member registered Sep 30, 2021

Recent community posts

Excuse me, I think there is a mistake with Anna since it appears that her obedience is at 100 but her maximum is 40 and when she interacts with her it goes down to 40, I already tried to load points from previous saves and it doesn't matter and I'm just getting to know the It's the same, has anyone else experienced this?

I already have it in the harem and the other 4 girls but even if I do not know the proposal, Could you tell me how I do it?
Guys sorry I'm Latino and I'm not very good at English, I have a question about how to make Lexi accept my marriage proposal, It is at 80lp and I do not know how to increase it, besides I did not find how to do it in the wiki, Does anyone know if I have to do something specific or do something with some other girl or mission?

thanks bro, but I still have my doubt I saw the new wiki and it does not say anything about increasing the LP of Lex to 80, whenever I try to propose to him he always rejects me I do not know if I have to do a specific action or do another activity (in the missions section does not tell me anything)

Thank you

excuse me, Does anyone know who he is and where I can find Keilo's ex or if I need to be somewhere for a certain hour or do I have to do something to know him? (It is worth mentioning I am new and I do not know which character is related to another other than the wiki closed

(2 edits)

good i'm new to playing this and i was using the wiki as a guide but this was deleted and i got stuck, i am currently trying to make the end of the domestic harem and i have already completed almost all the girls i just got stuck with lexi which is currently in LP80 but I don't know what to do to increase its limit,

Could someone explain to me what to do? please