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A member registered Jan 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi! Thank you :) If you check the second room of the game you see a hint in a frame (how to activate "cheat mode" (you will see the characters eyes get red) and after that you can type the code on the frame in that room (which is AXZ UP DOWN whilst holding down cheat mode) ;p will probably update it so make it a bit more easier to understand haha. Hope it clears a little up :) 

Ser fram emot att få testa detta i framtiden! Häftig idé😄 

borde gå bra, hade vart kul o kunna testa😄

Thanks :D although if you have an Xbox-controller, it feels a little bit better ;p

jag verkar inte få igång spelet, är det bara för MacOs?

Mycket roligt spel! var lite udda knappar för o styra men när man väl kom in i det så var det väldigt roligt ^^

Nice visuals, easy to understand the mechanic, enjoyed it 👍😊

ok, i Will try, np ^^

smart to accually build before the jam starts, which was not a rule so clever on u there ;p 

Overall, enjoyed it! really nice job and even making a  campaign :D 

Love the music, felt like a real retro arcade game :D good job!

my man, this was beautiful! a bit sluggish movement, but really liked the use of lights which i never been able to pull off, and the atmosphere, this was awesome! 

Good first project, can see some potential in this ^^ 

dude, more addicting than i thought it would be ^^ would have liked the controls more typed out on the game screen before playing, but when I read the page it was no problem  :)

very interesting! Would be awesome to make puzzles like this maybe, to get all matches in a certain order ^^ i liked it!

Hmm I cant download the file, the computer says its a trojan virus :S 

Ty for the review man: 😀 Talked with my buddy and I think we will be at least finishing it a bit 😅

HAHAHAHA oh yes, there is a 100% stack speed run ;) really wanted to get a ui working and credits scene, but might update it later, if Simzim feels for it ^^

This is not my type of game, but quite peaceful and fits the theme really nice :) 

Big thumbs up! although not that enticing sitting on my own here, but I liked it still ^^

Played this for far longer than intended! xD This is what space invaders needed, powerup system!

Not bad! Hard to jump correctly without a shadow underneath, but hey for a weekend that is awesome!

Not bad! Hard to jump correctly without a shadow underneath, but hey for a weekend that is awesome! 

(1 edit)

Man this was so cute! And really liked the name play of the title ^^

its not really a game per se, but it was the only thing we could produce. At least the music is a little catchy :p