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A member registered Oct 04, 2015 · View creator page →

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Haha  good job ! ⚓  Don't hesitate to rate it on ludum dare website

Super expérience, ça permet de se rendre compte des montants en jeu tout en gardant un ton léger :)

Not exactly the "same results" the error message is trying to talk to you, if you try enough times ;) This game isn't supposed to work since "sgnittes" means "settings", you are stuck the settings.

But I plan to improve this, as to create a real game, instead of this experiment (soon!)

Not exactly the "same results" the error message is trying to talk to you, if you try enough times. This game isn't supposed to work since "sgnittes" means "settings", you are stuck the settings ;)

But I plan to improve this, as to create a real game, instead of this experiment (soon!)

Thanks, you understood the idea. I wanted to improve it as to create a real story by changing the settings but lack of time. I'll try to update the project soon :)