Nice game I like it, but I think this is going to be a daft question but I’ve go to ask it. The point of the game is to rase the lust to as high as possible or take the energy for yourself to reset it back to zero. But to take energy yourself dose nothing so is this the gist of it.
Recent community posts
I like this story, yes its a bit slow and grindy in places but I still like it. The developer of this game shouldn’t take peoples bad comments to heart because its just one persons opinion. I think shadow20523 should try their hand at developing a game and see how they fare instead of bitching about certain game developers.
This game looks good but you can only download with Mega or google. This game file is 8.53GB, Mega will allow you to download 5.15GB after that you have to pay a premium its got 3 payment brackets so 3 different speeds which is a con, why not one speed. This is ransomware tactics, Also there’s no guarantee the download will work through no fault of the developer this is just Mega tactics, I’ve dealt with them before so I avoid at all cost and Google bit too slow.