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A member registered Feb 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yeah, that's a known bug, sorry - will be fixed in a future update! (Hoping to get one out soonish)

That's a serious bug! Have you made sure you're updated to the latest version? I'm sure I fixed a bug like that a while ago.

Thanks! That's a lot of useful information - I'll see if I can reproduce this bug. Maybe it's a base game thing, who knows 🤷‍♀️

Very strange! What equipment did you have? And what were the other rules?

Fixed, thanks!

It should be, yes!

Oh, that's a serious bug! I'll look into it, thanks for the report.

Thanks for the bug report - this will be fixed in the next update, pretty soon! should be a pretty comprehensive list!

(1 edit)

That's a weird one! I think that errors like this happen when you change the mod path. Try resetting it to Steam/Dicey Dungeons/Mods?

Oh, nice catch! It seems to be reducing countdowns on even dice instead, whoops. I'll have a fix out for that soon - thanks!

No, Megaquest isn't updated to the latest version right now.

Update your game!

Fair enough; I'll change that for the next update (which is coming in a few minutes)

Zweihander does do "double" damage - if you put two 6s into it, it deals 2x (6) damage. This is consistent with other doubles items - Sneeze, Lunasa, Skeleton Key, Memorise - they all take doubles but only refer to a single dice.

Oh, good catch, thanks! Quick enough fix though - I'll add that to the list for a future patch (probably next week)

What happens? What error message shows up?

Unfortunately you can't add bear items currently - hopefully this becomes possible at some point!

I'll get the download link ready as soon as I can - there's a lot of stuff that needs to be updated from previous versions.

No download link for now - working on updating this mod!

Awesome tool! Took me a while to figure out that you had to double-click a tile to make it "available", then drag the roads across yourself.

Are there any guidelines on how many "things" should be on each floor?

Loving this game! A nice change would be that when the two character part kicks in, you're allowed to "swap sides" just so your controls make sense in your head!