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A member registered Nov 11, 2017

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also i am willing to playtest it if you like and give you feedback about the accessibility

thank you for responding and hearing me out. i love your games. keep up the good work

the same blind gamer that played once in a life time before. i couldn't even get to the start game option because the main menu is totally not labeled with text. i keep hearing clunk clunk but the clipboard doesn't show anything. please man label your images with text options so we blind gamers can play. you are totally excluding us by doing this. once in a life time was playable except the map and the fights and the movie selection screen in the hotel. i love the previous game but this one i couldn't even access the start game option. keep images but add text options to them so i can play. thanks.

hi there.

now it works. thank you very much

(1 edit)

can you make it to where we don't drag and drop? i am blind and it is impossible to use the mouse to drag and drop. at least have another option of doing it. thanks.

hello there. i am a blind gamer and i just started playing this game yesterday. it is one of the best games that i have ever played. i have a few things to say though and i hope you will see this comment and respond. there are aspects in this game that have pictures but no text labels. if you can, i would appreciate it if you could label them and make them readable by screenreaders or the self voicing feature in renpy. i have not downloaded the next game yet due to my internet but i am sure it will be gooood. thanks for everything and please consider my feedback because it will make it easier to play as a blind gamer. also if you could make the fights more accessible by making tom for example have audio cues to know where to block or parry. thanks again and sorry for the long post.

hello. i like the game. may be i am mistaken but isn't the itch version updated? i am a blind player by the way and i love it.

another typo or / mis naming. As the wall forms, citizens pound their fists and slap their palms against it. One of them tries to climb over it, lifted by the others. You watch in amazement as the protester manages to haul their arms over the edge of the see-through wall, spotting you on your horse behind Rozerîn and crying out to you. i was behind ashti.

thanks for the game. i love it and as a middle eastern myself, i love the mythology. thanks again from the bottom of my heart. i keep replaying it again and again. i love it. keep up the good work. the best of wishes to you.

greetings from palestine.

i love the game and i want to read the table in the list you posted but it's an image and i am blind. if you'd be so kind as to write it down i'd be very thankful. thanks for the game. o and i am also getting an error Error: no valid storage adapters found. but the cookies are not blocked. any help would be appreciated.

this is the bug i get when playing with an imported save from s1.   Error: <<include>>: passage "Gender Info male" does not exist

it is a very fun but difficult game. i love the learning curve.

very funn. i love it. i get killed very easily but i love the game.

very funn. i love it. i get killed very easily but i love the game