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A member registered Mar 22, 2021

Recent community posts

Im really loving this vn!! Absolutely great job so far! Also that last "to be continued" was evil. Honestly one of my favorite VNs atm!

This story has me so hooked right now and i love all the characters, I kinda hate how attracted I am to Brut... and Eryx must be protected at all costs (who im also severely attracted to)

Loving the vn so far, i like the setting and story building, and a very solid mix of characters. Also Eryx is too pure and I must protect him from harm!

Im beyond impressed with Burrows, Ive played a LOT of VNs and this one has SO much going for it, this deserves all of the love and way more popularity. Finally, Gabe is precious and I must protect him <3

This is so good and so well made already, its great as a VN and honestly as a comic book too !! Cant wait for more!!!