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A member registered Mar 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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hey uh sorry you dont gotta but can you change the "his/her" part to "their"? they/them/theirs pronouns are gender neutral and can be singular in a lot of situations so you dont gotta make your sentence bulky

can you shut up 

stop calling the creator nasty

all he did was make a game, main character having boobs

it's not a crime to have boobs

cool but who asked

ur mean

as someone who used to be a girl, jus bc ur a girl doesnt mean you need special treatment and need others to care for you

fnf isnt made for kids, most of ninjamuffin's games arent directed at children go play smth else before yo parents take away your shit lol

hot im cumming

there's hentai that doesnt involve penetration for example hentai of cis lesbians

lmfao use the newgrounds or version, turn off naughtyness (censors swears) there are also sfw mods which hide certain things

I can help you with the music, vocals, charting etc, if you have discord/instagram/snapchat I can contact you that way,,,

yes you can win it in a day but if its your first time playing, everything's on hard, and you didn't lose or miss AT ALL kinda sounds like you're capping.

lmao youre in 4th grade why are you swearing

(1 edit)

one of your tabs is literally your google classroom, and it says  you're in a 4th grade classroom... you shouldve screenshotted it on a new tab

you're in 4th grade LMAOOO

bro you didn't win the entire game in one day stfu cloutchaser


bro why tf is the creator of friday night funkin using the chromebook version, they already have access to the game as they created it, dont impersonate ppl pls its not funny


they're fixing the problem, they already noted this in the issues

they're fixing the problem, they already noted this in the issues

they're fixing the problem, they already noted this in the issues

this is the original--


once i choose a song to play, it literally stops. i dont know if it's because of flash or if it's an issue with the game.