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A member registered Feb 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed this mini-game. It's a great idea and an interesting plot. The music added to the atmosphere and I found the use of crewmates from Among Us amusing :D I would've liked a branch where I could find out how exactly the professor was murdered or at least a screen with the dean telling the students that they don't have to present the lab since the professor is dead. You know, just for the ease of heart...

Ah, lost myself in lust the first time hehe
Great story! I enjoyed it and was interested in finding out what other endings are there :D

(1 edit)

Not a big fan of fantasy stories but really enjoyed that one. I feel like that's a good method to interest others to discover the fantasy genre.  Good job!

"Sărmanul Dionis" by Mihai Eminescu vibes

I liked the plot and the style of the story but sometimes it was a little too long to read and got bored.

Favorite quote: "I had been fighting an invisible but cunning enemy. That enemy was my suffocating fear of Hell."