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A member registered Feb 14, 2023

Recent community posts

loved this game, here's my gameplay!

absolutely terrifying.. here's my game play, enjoy!!

the scariest game i've played in MONTHS, has a really scary atmosphere and I LOVE IT! Here's my gameplay, shout out goes to developer, enjoy!
(3 edits)

Liked this game, I thought this was a Family Guy horror game or something lol, but here's my gameplay, shout out goes to developer, enjoy! 

Love these PS1 styled games, here's my gameplay, shout out goes to developer! 

Yoo! Go check out me video of this game, thank you, shoutout goes out to developer! 

I love this game, here's my gameplay :D 

nice game. here's my gameplay :D 

This game was fun and I liked it. Here's my gameplay! :D 

Absolutely scared me. Here's my gameplay! :D 

Absolutely scared me. Here's my gameplay! :D 

Absolutely scared me, Here's my gameplay! :D 

Nice game. Here's my gameplay! :D 

I like this game lol. Here's my gameplay featured on my 2 Short Scary Games. Enjoy :D 

absolutely scared me playing this, here's my gameplay :D

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed playing this short game, here's my gameplay

can't wait for the full release. lol 

this game was really good! lol