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A member registered Feb 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Your game is really fun. I like the movement, the powerups, and the overall arcade style of your game. I also especially love the fact that your high score is saved even though you exit the game.

Good game, but are there any particle effects in your game?

I also found two glitches in this game:

1. You can go through the walls of the first level by colliding with them

2. When you beat the last stage, it cuts to the win screen for a split second and takes you back to the first level.

I love the ghost concept of going through walls. My main issue is that there are a lot of particle effects going on in the background, and because the ghosting particle effects are the same as the background, the ghosting effect gets lost in the background.

I like the music, the sprite work, and the particle effects. But this game is unfinished. There's still a lot of potential in a sandworm sim though.

The particle system and the UI elements are nice and slick, but I cannot play this game because you cannot click on the Xs or the Os.

The particle system and the UI elements are nice and slick, but I cannot play this game because you cannot click on the Xs or the Os.

I like the concept of using magnetics in a platformer, but I cannot get past the first level.

The particle effects are very impressive. Props also to the UI, which appropriately conveys the magical tone of this game.

Your game idea shows a lot of great potential. I get Tears of the Kingdom vibes with the fuse mechanic. Your game is overall very fun. My only critiques are that some instructions on how to play the game would be great, and the rocket boots can activate on their own on slopes.

I love the wind particle effects. It really adds to the atmosphere of this game. However, the tilemap sprites tend to clip whenever you move, especially the castle and how only a third of the window roofs show up when you move right.

This game is fine, but the music does not loop and the build scenes are mixed up.

This game really is like the next Angry Birds. The physics is good and the game is overall pretty fun. I think one thing you should add to your game is a way to make the tomatoes pop when a block or a cucumber falls on it.