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A member registered Jun 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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As far as I know, it will cost 15$.

Is there translation to english?

You'll all go to horny jail now. *bonk*

I highly suggest you to try out Monika After Story, you won't get bored in a very long time - of course, if you want to try a wholesome mod.
If you want depressive mods, try out DDLC Exit Music. Pure quality while being a lil sweet and wholesome, while at the end crushing you with a depressing finale.
There are plenty of options, let me know if you want me to tell you about more mods, I have tested like 100+ ddlc mods so I'll be pretty helpful.
Have a nice day :D

Oh okay don't worry about it, whenever you think that you have enough time to do it just let me know if you want to :D

this game's kinda sus ngl

I could do fluent transitions to Spanish and Romanian if you're interested.

DanielDionySUS (funny amogus joke) PD: I love the game <3