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A member registered 20 days ago

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Please answer me what i do should i do i just want to play chapter 7 but let me no many times i download it please answer me. 

please tell me that theres going to be a reulger ZIP like i said icant even play and I've been waiting please answer me.

Please i just want to play chapter 7 please let me know i tried getting hold of the delopvers but I'm no response from them i keep downloading it but it won't let me i know its not my laptop

i was ready looking forward to playing this 

will there be just a regular ZIP because i download it and it said  i don't  have permission ive been wait to play this.

and if u have any info on how i can please tell me.

will there be just a regular ZIP because i download it and it said  i don't  have permission ive been wait to play this.