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A member registered Oct 15, 2023

Recent community posts

I made exactly half the people happy.

Also shouldn't the lightning ability have an electric effect?

It's still there?

well their separate cuz one is English version and another is (I think) Japanese version, I actually have no idea though.

(3 edits)

Too perfect of a game, I fell like I do not deserve to play it, because of how good it is.

 First suggestion; please add mobile controls: swipe the direction you want to move(swipe up to do nothing)(or create a d-pad), click the character(you) to turn around, and tap the screen(maybe twice for precision)to attack, or you could make buttons for everything.

Second suggest; Make stuff have procedural generation like an endless mode so the game still is satisfactory after beaten.

Many thanks for reading this.

(1 edit)

You made a grammar mistake, it was supposed to be a(n) EXTRA challenge, not a Extra challenge,

Also, the "..." was supposed to be before the if in "if you're". The more you know.

sometimes u get right three times


What dedication gotta get some respect for this guy

So much fun.

Not scray enough.

Could you please add number keys or the ability to change your keybinds?

Thank you for reading this.

its too easy

make somemore variety to the game, gets boring soon enough

oh turrets right?

but how?

maybe add a little screen shake when you get hit

Very elegant game, although games like these have a dashing mechanic
