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A member registered Jul 30, 2023

Recent community posts

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Thx a lot!

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Thank you!

Hi, its possibile to have a community copies?

any news?

Thank you

Hello, its possibile to have a community copies?

Hello, I'm here because of a strange path, I was watching the review of Dungeon Dive on Youtube for the game "Broken Shores", but looking through your works I saw that there was also one of my favorite genre, Sci-fi.

However, I am writing this message because I wanted to ask you if it was possible to have a "community copy"... given that at the moment I find myself in financial difficulties, unfortunately I don't have a job, I know that the answer will be 100% no, given that you don't have put this option, and since this is a very large project (book over 400 pages).

Maybe if I pass a check on a d20...

In any case, the complete cover art is really beautiful, congratulations!

Community copies is a free copy for who can't afford them, usually are limited copies.

I've found this article who explain everything... but its from years ago (dont know if its outdated).

Hi, its possible to have community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possibile to have a community copies?

Hi, its possibile to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possibile to have a community copies?

hi, its possibile to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

Hi, its possible to have a community copies?

thx a lot

Hi, its possible to have community copies?

Hi, it possibile to have community copie?

hi, its possibile to have a community copie?

Hi, its possibile to have a community copie?

its possible to have a community copie

Hi, its possible to have a community copie?

is it possible to have a community copie?


its possibile to have a community copie?

its possible to have a community copies?