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A member registered Jan 16, 2016 · View creator page →

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Actually made something lol. Unpredictable healh issues block a lot of my plans but I was really hoping to get some time to join this as it's one of my fave genres and I've had some ideas kicking around for a while.

who wants to be my friend? I want to be a winner too

I am super interested in this game. I have a 3 year old if you need a playtester :)

(1 edit)

Hi, after missing and not having time to do weekend game jams, it's great to see one a bit more my pace.

I'm a huge fan of arpgs like Diablo, Path of Exile and Roguelikes like Elona that have an extensive 'world' to progress in . So.. I'm going to make a crossover. arpg combat with an Elona style overworld and probably goofy also since I'm going to use whatever assets I have available .. which the original Elona developer also did.

I'll also take this time to learn Godot. I have a billion Unity assets to speed up game prototyping but I'm really not liking Unity as an engine or especially as a company these days.

I usually avoid making a Devlog until I have some screenshots to post but I hope to remedy that soon :)

Random Game Seed: 88483790057
Random Game Idea: A roguelike game where a large hobo explores a dock. At the same time, the cleanest exotic plants multiply you, and there are lots of dungeons
Title: Hobo & Flower
Idea: Roguelike where you are a hobo and a flower follows you around and you fight guys on a dock and enter warehouses (dungeons)

I had a lot of trouble finding a game to do, most ideas were complete gibberish so I'll flesh this one out as I go.