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A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Both the best and worst Lancer campaign I have played to date.
+ great art
+ great setting
+ great characters
+ great battles
+ interesting faction mechanics
+ branching narrative

- typos, oh dear Ra, the typos.
- errors / contradictory information
- things lacking explanation requiring a asking around on the discord.
- no lcp for npc's requiring you to manually enter them yourself

Typo page 25.
"would likely ruing their wares otherwise."
should be "ruin"

(1 edit)

I hate that as a Tom Bloom fanboy, I have to have this game on my hard drive and now hide it in shame from all my friends and family.

Also typo on page 2.

"you are always successfu."

Combat 2: Walk in the Park

Foundry map hex grid settings, as listed, do not work in foundry. Only about half the map is lined up correctly with the hex grid.

Also it is listed as "Walk in the Forest" instead of park.

So generally like this addition to the game, lot of cool new content, and I'm excited for a lot of the rules changes to be implemented in my group, but I did have some issues, which I am sure some other people have mentioned.

  • pdf seems broken as bookmarks do not work.
  • Spiritbane Charm, Arclighter & Glimmer, and Prichard Camera are under all of the scoundrel's special items when it sounds like they should be in the generic list since they all have access to them and therefore are not playbook specific.
  • The sparkrunner rig requires you to get in good with a faction, spend coin acquiring it, spend a level up learning how to use it, and makes you roll to use it with a risk of a malfunction. Which is a lot of downsides for a relatively minor power, specially when Shadows have Ghost Echoes which is all the upsides with non of the downsides. What makes a sparkrunner rig worth all this hassle?

But leagues of redditors will tell you to never play blades again.

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Chef's kiss to the changes. This feels much more in line with what I expect from the game feel, then what was actually happening in my games.

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Fun game but very frustrating. The missiles feel ineffective, and you need at least 2 to destroy an asteroid so the first half of the game your forced to crash and hurt your ship to get cash flow, or stand in one place equipping no engines to and waiting for cash to hit your ship. Both options just feeling bad. (best was 80k)

If you can survive that bit though it gets quite fun, but I can't make it far after due to being so hurt from the start of each run. Not sure what I am missing, but if this is the intent, id say beating up your players before they can even do anything is not an enjoyable mechanic.

Fun idea, dragged down by an obtuse beginning, and bugs. 

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Fun idea, but has issues. The main one, for me, being that all guns point where I do. It seems mostly pointless to add more gun when they all fire at the same exact spot and I could add upgrades instead, which can surround my guns to keep them safe.

I'm being attacked from all sides, I want to be shooting in more directions, but the game doesn't allow for that. If the enemies were slower and less numerous then I could see precision aiming being more of a main mechanic.

Other games balance more coverage by having the player struggle with bullet coverage VS bullet potency. I think this could benefit from that struggle as well.

Game is punishingly difficult. Very little feedback about being hit, no cross hair for bullets, and infinite enemies make this game very difficult to play. Its an odd choice to give the player extra movement options, but then make the objective standing in a shrinking circle, making it so they can't really use those options.

Interesting and fun idea, needs to tone down the difficulty or up the player feedback / quality of life.

This has the makings of a puzzle game, but is sadly closer to a walking sim. There is very little deduction on the players part you just wander aimlessly till you find the key, switch, door, etc. It requires very little thought on the players part which makes it a slog. Particularly because growing small makes you slower.

That said the growing, shrinking, and light mechanics have the makings of a good puzzle game. The game just needs more mechanics for the players to interact with to build engaging puzzles.

I was going to write this game off due to the lag, but ended up playing it anyways because it ended up just being so fun. Needs polish, but a very fun core gameplay loop is here.

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I could not leave the first screen. The game says to land a super jump on the crystal. I jumped through, on, around, and under that crystal but could not seem to make anything happen. Eventually I was forced to give up.

After reading some comments I tried again and finally got it to sort of work, but found it frustrating enough that I gave up again. The game needs better feedback about when to jump. Right now spamming jump over the crystal feels like it just doesn't work rather than Me being the one doing something wrong.

missions needed to survive to increase CAT is different on the character sheet then what is described on page 45.

Loving the games feel and look, but not sure I understand the Bind's power of SURRENDER. It lets them gain +1d at the cost of 1d3 sin... but cant people do that already with a psyche burst? Does it give you anything other than the ability to choose what SIN MARK you get? Seems kinda like a wasted power slot.

Was never alerted about this response, so only just saw it, but thanks for taking the time to reply.

Solid and polished little puzzler, with excellent puzzle design. The only thing I am left wanting is something else to keep me progressing through the puzzles. More story, or characters or something. Half the appeal of portals is Glados. Some compelling reward besides more puzzles would put this over the top for me.

Would be super cool. Thank for making this program.

Sadly this seems like it is already out of date. I tried following the tutorial.

the plugins folder didn't exist in the git repository.

The godot project wouldnt run. Seems lots of functions were possibly deprecated? The main initial issue is godot hated. "var dir =" seems you cant create a DirAccess that way anymore in godot?

So they are! It took me 5 minutes to find them though even with your help. Many other games have them as a separate file that people can download. Since they are bundled with the free version I missed them as I was looking for a link to just the sheets.

Not inherently a problem, just letting you know my experience. xD

(7 edits)

The adrift playbook feels like its missing something? It has the home gravity clock from "love, love, love". Which seems like the adrift is growing more and more homesick which is powering their magic? It feels backwards to me, like their magic should grow weaker the more they yearn for home? Maybe it should be changed to "stranger in a strange land" and represent adapting to the new world they are in?

Maybe give them two competing clocks. 1 being the love of home and 1 being the love of the new world. When one completes Channel goes up, the other channel goes down?

Also the adrift's move "Draw Your Bath And Load Your Gun"  is just a worse version of "Fade", as you have to roll to gain spotlight and might introduce a complication with no added benefit. Id recommend changing it entirely or at least giving +2 spotlight, or advancing the +HOME clock, or some other benefit to justify the downsides.

It feels like the playbook wants there to be a bigger struggle over returning home, but mechanically it has little to do with that?

Advocate' s +3 channel feels like too much with no downside. I would recommend making their channel tied to how close they are to nature? Fighting on a plain or in the ocean? +3 CHANNEL, Fighting in a coal factory? +1 CHANNEL. This would also lend more power to their "A Greener World" move letting them increase their CHANNEL on a 12 as they increase the presence of nature around them.

Revanant has the same issue as Advocate, but it bothers me a little less as it does have a downside, it's just that the downside is entirely rp based. Maybe give them 1 downtime token instead of 2, as they have a hard time relating to the mortal world now?

The Icon,

 is there a reason "Performance" replaces B-plot instead of being a B-plot alternative? Being unable to do a downtime scene seems like a major disadvantage.  I could see it being a choice they make at the start of the sortie, one or the other, but denying a normal B-plot seems like too much to me.

I stared at the playbooks for a solid 5 minutes in confusion until I finally saw the line you mentioned. Guess I'm blind. xD

Good to know and glad to help.

Also reading through, I,m confused about gear. The book references

"Next, choose from the gear or equipment options your playbook has. Some playbooks have more than one choice." 

But I don't see it listed anywhere how much gear we are supposed to choose? I originally assumed we just got all the gear on the playbook since it didn't list (choose one) like on Approach.

Should add despite all my nit picking I am loving what this game is doing.

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Page 19  "losing use a weapon until you can re-arm"

Should be " losing use of a weapon until you can re-arm"

Lead A Sortie lacks an explanation of what happens on a failure, minus a short example later in the book. I feel most moves should just list what happens on a failure to be clear.

Ironically I came to the same rules change as you more or less. I roll a d6 on every action and spend +1 air if I roll a 1. This makes useless items like the condenser valve more useful as it reduces risk of moving three times with 3 rolls into 1 time with 1 roll. I found this made the game just tense enough that I could still play it safe and be fine, but made taking risks actually risky.

After playing some more, a few more notes. Page numbers are wrong in the table of contents in books 1. Specifically tools are on page 14 not 13.

Also I for the life of me can't figure out what the spectromagnetic camera does? It just lets you get all the rewards from a room each time you visit? so when I set it up in the toolshed I can just get infinite items by walking back and forth?

(3 edits)

Cool game, love the art, theme, and the book layouts.

The issues I ran into:

It seems too easy to plan out a safe exit. Without randomized oxygen loss you can just do some simple math to see if you can make it to the exit still or not. I wish the game had a little more luck in it, I testing just rolling a d6 whenever I move and if it comes up as 1 losing 2 air instead of 1.

I haven't played all the scenarios or maybe I missed a rule, so I could be wrong in this. Are you somehow not meant to know what events are coming or how much air it takes to complete a room?

Also the fact that you do not need to place a corridor at the start of the game seems odd. In my first playthrough I didn't do this and I drew the vault as my very first card which ended my game then and there as I need more rooms to actually complete my contract. I don't know if this was intentional, but showing up to a wreck and then turning around and leaving I didn't feel made for a compelling story.

All that said the rules themselves state the player can do whatever they like to improve the experience, which I always appreciate.

This, I stopped playing after falling down and having to walk all the way back for the third time.

Fun little game, I wish it had multiplayer, this would make a great little party game!

I'm toying with the idea of a game about being the Crown to a kingdom with the goal of using your limited powers to keep the kingdom going the way the first king/queen envisioned it. It would involve some simple dice rolls and what not as the new kings/queens fight you change the kingdom.