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A member registered Mar 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Gotta watch out for those trees. Not a full gameplay but a short. If you watch this it shows why this is the game you want to play this Christmas!

We got MORE with Part 5 and A Mall Near You, we are going into overtime with getting out Christmas presents for our family.

The game breaker is back with another awesome game from madvent. Let's break the Game called In The Drink. All peeps sharing this video with your communities are awesome I really want to help these creators and I can't do it without you so please share this video as it helps with YouTube pushing it out to other viewers on the site. 

WE ARE BAACCKKKK!!!! part 3 is here buddy boo, and let's see if I have been naughty or nice this year with For Goodness Sake. Special thanks to you devs for making this collection and please share out the video to your communities I want to help you all out as much as possible and I can't do that without your help too so please share the video. 

We got part 2 right here and you should NOT miss it gamers. The game breaker is on the hunt to break this game wide open. Remember to share this video out, it helps with the YouTube algorithm sharing it to others not on my channel, we want to help haunted PS1 to gain more followers than ever before so please keep on sharing, and Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.   

So we got part one here with more coming Gotta love haunted ps1. Oh and please share out the videos it helps with YouTube and posting it to others. You are super stylish. 

Gotta say interesting stuff. I would like to know more about this world. Still could ya help out and share this video to your community? it helps with YouTube sharing it out on it's own site too I want more people to see your game. 

happy too hope to play more if you have any in the works let me know.

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Great game I hope to see more of this get expanded upon. Not my first arcade rail shooter on the channel but certainly one of my top faves. Please remember to share this video out to your community as it helps it getting shared on youtube itself.

Can't wait to see more I want to play the whole game and 100% complete it. 

I gotta say I want to see more it reminds me of PS1 games so much in feel and I have to say I felt like a kid again in the 90s/00s. Also please share this video out it helps YouTube pushing it out to more other viewers I really want more people to see this game it's a gem. 

Here we are with part 2 and a funny mess up at the end. Remember to share the video to help spread the game to others in youtube. 

You are always great my friend. Thanks so much, it helps with YouTube sharing it out to others on that site the more watches I get on the video the more it shares it. 

As I said slasher it was coming and here it is. Let's push this out further than before, this is easily your best game. 

SUPER SPECIAL THANKS to EMIKA_GAMES for making this interesting game. I loved the full thing, we got part 2 on the way too. So if ya can please share this to your community as it helps YouTube spread the word and for future games. I'm here for the indie gaming community. 

And the stylish one comes in and says this was a fun game that everyone should check out. Thanks for making this Enchae you are awesome and always welcome to my channel and my discord if you ever want to post your games there too. :)

I TOLD YOU THE STYLISH ONE WOULD PLAY ANOTHER!!! haha you never cease to impress slasher you do a great job and I can't wait to play Nightmare on Elm street next. Still hope to see you and your community pay a visit to the discord and the youtube channel. Drop by anytime.

Ok I played this game around 2 weeks ago I had it all recorded but other games came along now we have a special here that I LOVE. Please share this video with your community as it helps push it out further into YouTube for it's gamers to see. Oh and keep it stylish JordiBoi. Remember we have a growing discord channel for gamers and indie creators so please join us there.

Thanks my friend you are stylish. 

The STYLISH ONE thanks you 8 bit slasher for making this game. I gotta say going back to the nes (or in this case the emulator) and playing this was really fun. I can't wait to see what else you have cooking up regarding your games. Keep it stylish and please share this with your community it helps with YouTube's algorithm in sharing this with new viewers/gamers.
Oh and please join our discord for a community that is building with the indie gaming community and gamers alike.

Thanks for bringing this game to life. I loved the whole look of the area and the strange movie loop. Not to mention the funny movie titles. Keep it up KrazyK. If you can please share this video with your community as ot helps with the YouTube algorithm as more who see it with your community the more YouTube shares it to new viewers.  

Thanks for giving us the Halloween update Team Terrible, remember to keep it stylish and if ya can share this video to your community. I want more to see the awesome game you made and can only do that if it's shared out. YouTube pays it back if it shared.  Also if you want to show your games and projects hit my discord up. 

Thanks my friend, yeah the bug happened just as the glass smashed, not sure why it happened but it was weird being outside under a large robot mannequin. Still if you want to chat about your game more hit me up on my discord, I want many devs coming there and showing their games.  

SPECIAL THANKS TO YOU TAINTED PACT GAMES for making this interesting game, though I do believe I found a glitch/broke the game (seen in the video) Still love the text based games with added graphics it's actually a neat idea, not my first game to have this style but yours is much smoother.

Thanks Lixian for releasing a fun lil game. Not much to it but it is visually pretty good, still don't get how a mop works on carpet xD Keep it up and keep being stylish. Remember to share out the vid to your community it helps a ton and thanks 

Happy too I'mma check out all ya got. including the REDO

ALRIGHT!!! This is the ultimate ionprime take. We are here now and cooking! Let's jump back into the world of timore with the second game remake that I can't thank Vidas games enough for putting out. I hope this gets shared out with everyones community as this game needs more love.  Keep it up Vidas. 

A pleasure my friend :)

Now the stylish one has been around since 2018 I still remember Mark playing the OG and now I can say I played the awesome remake.  I gotta say I love how out there this game is and wanting to see more. This week we play this and Nox. Thanks for remaking this Vidas Games and I can't wait to play the other games. If you can please share out the video with your community as it helps others see this game in it's remake glory. 

Keep it stylish!!!

Gotta love this game but it's hard man haha. Love played this and I have to say it's stylish. Again Smooth Brain Dev thanks for making this, and I hope you enjoy my terrible gameplay, please share the video out it helps with YouTube sharing out the video to others and get more people playing your game. 

We need more explanation, I love what you did for this game. Still great game and short too. Thanks for making your game playable and please share this video out to your friend Now Known so it gets more seen by YouTube and it gets sent out more to new people. 

Just beautiful, and I love the tone. So much different than games I have played before and I want to see more. I have wishlisted this and want it as soon as it is released (or before :P) Anyway thanks Duonix Studios for making this game demo playable and if you can share this out with your community it helps the YouTube Algorithm to share it out to other new people.  

Thanks for making an interesting game eight-b-six. I hope you expand on it and what happens with the other parts of it. Can't wait to see more of what you have in store. Oh and please share out the video as it helps more people get exposed to it on youtube. Hope I helped in getting you noticed. 

Nice game Max and it's great for your first game. I know others haven't addressed you personally like I am but thats how the stylish one rolls. Keep up this level and you will go far, I hope I helped you out a little, but if you could please share out this video with your community/friends as it helps YouTube to push it out to new people. again Thanks for making a great horror game. 

Thanks for letting us play your game Spina but we can't just leave it at this. We need more!!! If you can please share this video out to your friends and community we need more from this game.

Nice I shall check it out :D 

Big thank you for letting us play your game. The Stylish one says if ya could share out the vid with your community it helps getting more people to notice due to how YouTube works. 

Keep it stylish Reb 

Thanks so much for making a strange game world. If you could please share this out to your community as it helps with the YouTube Algorithm and they send it out to other people. Keep on creating and I hope to see more games from you soon.  

This was interesting, but it's not scary more like a glorified game of tag. Still a good game though and loved the gameplay. Will say Peach is annoying I couldn't shake her for almost the entire video.  Oh and CM9 please could you share the video with your friends/community it helps with the YouTube algorithm and shares it to even more people. 


Thanks for sharing your game with the Brotherhood and The Stylish One. Keep at it and let's see what ya got. If you get time please share this out with your community too, it helps with YouTube pushing it out to others on the site. THANKS!!