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A member registered Feb 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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I really like the background and the look of the game. The physics are clean and without any problem. My only problem is sometimes that ball can go through some blocks, but they still get destroyed when collided so at least that's good. But good job

I like the look of the game with the space background. I also like the ball physics as it is so fluent and bounce without any problem. Really well done

I like the idea of this between two astronauts fighting over the Earth. Reminds me of the Cold War if that was the intention. I also like the particle effects not just on the ball, but the two astronauts as well. I think maybe add at least one sound effect to it, but other than that. It's really good.

I really enjoy the music, the sounds, and the look of an old classic arcade game. I think if it was possible if you would make the ball a little faster, but then again, that's just me, but I really like it.