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A member registered Mar 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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I think it was more my experience rather than the actual controls. For me personally, they just felt clunky on K/M but like I said, it might just be me and they way I was playing the game. The main problem is that I would jump and the jump would feel limp in game making me fall off the edge and die. I'd have to honestly try and play it a bit more to see if it was just my experience with K/M and then compare it to controller to see if it was any better but from what I gathered, the game wasn't designed with K/M in mind which is okay. I'll give the game another try using both controller schemes in the future. 

The game is hella fun to play. Its a bullet hell game at its core but has a lot more to do and find in it. I did have one bug where I couldn't move until I died so I hope that gets sorted out but other than that, the game ran perfectly fine. Ton of little secrets to find and easter eggs to see with funny commentary to acompany the action. Honestly, this is what I think when a virus and anti-virus attack each other, just all out war. I made a video on it and put it in my ridiculous games series but honestly the game might deserve a video of its own. Your game is last in the video so I hope you enjoy. 

Sooo...what to say about this game... While I think it has potential, the controls on K/M are so useless and they need to be redone. I know you recommend a controller so it was probably a bit of a mistake to play the game on K/M but it does have potential. Also, depth is pretty much non existent but I feel like thats done on purpose to capture the nostalgia of older PS1 games like crash. Anyway, I see potential and if you want to know more about what I thought then you can check out my video. Your game is fourth on the list 

Awesome little indie game. Very wholesome indeed if a bit short and repetitive. I had to make a video and put it in my ridiculous games series. Your game is third in the video and I hope you enjoy. 

This game is so god damn trippy that I just had to play it and put it into my ridiculous games series. Honestly IO am thinking about making juice galaxy its own series as I really do think you deserve a follow up video because there is so much to do. Your game is second in the video and I hope you enjoy the gameplay... Also, the pineapple is OP. 

Enjoyed the game a hell of a lot and it fit so nicely into my ridiculous games series. Your game is first and I would love if you gave it a watch. Impressive game honestly if a bit short but I didn't find all the secrets. Hope you enjoy the video