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A member registered Dec 01, 2014

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Hello! Hope you're ready for an essay, because do I have one!

The writing for this was specifically different than most otome games I've played--perhaps since this one has a protagonist that is written as a working adult going through every day life. I'm trying to think of ways to best describe it--so, my first path I chose Ezra, and to avoid spoilers, the interactions and dialogue for the best route were very realistic, and the whole romance options (the fact that there are options to not do sexual encounters is something I am totally all for!) and relationship growth felt unrushed, natural. Even the business side of things, like the office environment and even the conversations happening inside it felt exactly like a real-life office would.

A lot of the storyline aligned a lot with my own personal experiences in relationships as someone who grew into a love in my mid-late 20s, and I appreciate that! Also, what an encouraging, steadfast guy! Just--holy shit, that there is a person I'm so glad exists somewhere, even if it's in a game.

I haven't played the other routes yet, though I'm certain I'll find the time to do so. Thank you so much for your hard work!