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A member registered Sep 04, 2022

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When it comes to constructive criticism I really have none to give. The game is really good and well made as well as it fitting really well with the theme you have around. I enjoyed everything about it and please keep up the good work. 

Right Panel Back - W is up/S is down

Right Panel Front - E is up/D is down

Left Panel Front - I is up/K is down

Left Panel Back - Up Arrow is up/Down Arrow is down

While the game is an absolute joy to play it seems to descend to a point where one side just grows too big and the bee ends up getting pinned or completely getting kicked out of the game. Perhaps if there was a win condition that had them reset after a certain size would allow for players to continue playing. Other than that thank you for putting instructions in the comments of the description

While the growing ball is a really amusing feature to watch happen as the game goes on the game itself feels sort of bland when it comes to visuals. Having the ball change color on collision or some form of brightness helps the players be able to remember the game. Other than that the velocity continuing to reach such a fast pace leaves the player with little to no control, maybe setting different velocities for different sizes so the bigger it is the slower to goes and vice versa.