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Insane Italian Hacker

A member registered Jan 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Great game! Just the right amount of intensity. And I only thought that it was a little hard on the eyes, at least in the beginning. (Would have loved to rate it but I didn't participate in the game jam)


The game is great so far. One suggestion though, is to add a single-player option for when servers are down so you can still play.

Were are the servers located, because I am experiencing extreme lag?

Can't wait for the new update!

Can't wait for the new update!

I think he means servers that are only accessible to that user.

Good job on the game, it has come so far!

There actually are wolves, they are just more rare now.

Okay, it showed up. It was probably just my wifi.

Were is the download button?

Now that I have a mouse, the game is so much fun. It is almost as good as Minecraft and it isn't even finished, so I am looking foward to were this game goes.

Thank you for the feedback, everything else seemed stable.

I encountered a glitch that when you die and respawn, pressing space will crash the game.

Thank you for your quik reply.

(1 edit)

I was able to play, yet the menu does not display the controls (Example: I can drink water yet I can't attack). Can you please add something in game to give tips and controls.