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A member registered Jan 02, 2023

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Can't wait for more of this! Really great animation style and quality, definitely one, if not the best anime style games on this website! Really hoping for more Hana content :)
As for some suggestions that I think will bring even more life to the game:
First I think you could decorate the protagonist's house a little more, mainly the hallway and bedroom with some bookshelves or some other stuff.
Maybe make a more elaborate affection system where you have a chance to get asked a question when interacting with the girls and depending on your answer you can lose points too! I think it would make them feel more alive.
You could also reuse the Christmas event in the actual game where it only activates around Winter(in game) if you have a certain amount of affection with the 6 girls and not as a side thing from the Main menu(But that would also mean making a season + calendar system I guess, which may be a bit too much work).
Maybe add some random encounters with the non-main girls where you get asked a thing or two which depending on your answer can influence your reputation?
And lastly, I think a bit more interesting mini-games for the resource gathering rather than just spam clicking would be cool!
I don't know if you will consider any of these since the game is really good as is, but they are just something I thought would make the game even better! Love what you've done so far and again, can't wait for more!!