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Dark Wolf

A member registered Apr 30, 2018

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I know I going to get some hate from this.

I don't think the game is worth the price that is offered.

Now, hear me out.  The game is great, its simple, with simple graphics, but it's story and lore are breathtaking.  I agree, The story of this game is really well told and fits the situation your in.  But I feel $20 is way to much for this game.  The game in general can take at least 3 hours to beat, more or less.  I feel its way to much to ask for a short game.  Now, don't get me wrong, indie games these days have more power than the AAA games studios since due to all the wrong things their doing, charging too much, or using pay to win services. I am just saying that maybe lower to price so you don't follow in their footsteps.  Nevertheless your game is excellent, its really well done with a well made story and strong plot, but the price has me questionable to buy it.

I heard nothing but good things about this game being hard as balls, and yes its like Darkest Dungeon, its gameplay WILL be unfair, but that's the catch.  I just want to say great job everyone.