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A member registered Aug 03, 2020

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Okay, so I just tested a few tracks outside of the Music Options, and they loop just fine. Odd that it doesn't do that within the options, though.

I did encounter a rather glaring oversight, though: If you've set Panic Puppet 1's music to custom, it doesn't play during the opening cutscene. I know that the game is reading the file correctly, because it plays in the Music Options menu… just not during that particular instance. I haven't gotten far enough in the game to test to see if it in the Zone itself, but I assume that if it works in Options, then it'll work in-game.

A lesser, but still annoying bug is that some Custom settings revert to Mega Drive when going into Music Options. It isn't every one, though; I've noticed it for Green Grove 1, the Super music, and a handful of others.

I've been messing around with adding a custom soundtrack recently, but my music doesn't want to loop. I've made sure each file is in .ogg format, and converted the seconds over to milliseconds in LoopInfo.txt (e.g. 24977 for 24.977 seconds), but still nothing. For what it's worth, I've only tested it out in the Music Options menu, but the Mega Drive and Saturn soundtracks loop well enough.

Am I just doing something wrong, or is the game bugged somehow?