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A member registered May 01, 2020

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Some silly moments, but overall pretty fun! Thanks for the fun times

This was a pleasant surprise! Had a ton of fun with this one! Thanks for the great game!

(4 edits)

Bruh... the "Talking to Bob" cutscene has the ability to push you outside the house and soft-lock the game. When Bob walks in, the door closes on you and pushes you outside. There's no way back in.

I time-stamped it on my VOD if you want to see it happen:

The game is listed at $0.50. At least in the U.S., this is what I get when trying to purchase, "Due to processing fees the minimum amount is 100 cents."

Minimum payment allowance is $1.00.

(1 edit)

This game is highly bugged, and keeps soft-locking as I go into the scene where I have to chop my hand off.

There are visual bugs as well. Chromatic aberration gets stuck on the screen after you die, and this causes the visuals to be much darker than normal making thigs very difficult to see. 

The first half of the game was good! However, the last half gets really slow, and becomes very fetchy where not much happens.

Had a lot of fun with this one, but for the love of god, stop with the crickets!

The past like 4 games has had non-stop crickets!! Indoors... outdoors... doesn't matter. CRICKETS!!!! D:<

YOUTUBE COPYRIGHT WARNING: The song that plays in the shop gets your video completely demonetized.

Song: Endless Elevator - Alan Fagan

(1 edit)

You can soft-lock the game.

In the room where the bed begins to float into the air, if you position yourself on the left side of the bed, the bed will return to the ground, and the bedroom door will re-open blocking from getting out of that corner of the room. You can't jump over the bed to get out, and you can't close the door to move it out of the way.

Game was a lot of fun! Played and beat the game on Hard mode.

My only complaint is how inaccurate moving the carts into the cart wrack is. Perhaps I've just not figured out how to aim them properly, but parking carts always ended up eating the most time for me because they spin around all over the place lol!

Other than that, the game was a ton of fun! Thanks for making it! <3

(1 edit)

Rough game. Bokkie's AI is really bad. It's painfully obvious that Bokkie always knows where you are. Bokkie's AI just continually has it trying to take a straight line to the player regardless of anything being between Bokkie and the player. If there is a wall between you two, Bokkie will try to walk through it. If you move behind another wall, Bokkie tries to walk through that one.

Also, I've played some pretty terrible stuff here on itchio. This game by far isn't some of the worst I've played as some are sayin, but it's not great either.

(3 edits)

Immediately after the initial gray splash screen where it says "maatingamedev". The screen then goes black, and just stays that way.

And the process in the task manager seems to be running just fine.

PC Specs:
Windows 10 Pro
CPU: i7 5820k
GPU: RTX 3080

For some reason this game just doesn't run for me. It just loads a black screen and stays that way.

1) find Mickey before he transforms.
2) Stand in front of him, and block him from walking any further for about 5-10 seconds.
3) Mickey Should now be stuck. enjoy beating the game with absolutely no interruption lol! 

(1 edit)

I really dig the art, atmosphere, controls, and animations! All great!

However, as the game currently stands, the play-time of this game is HEAVILY artificially lengthened with long narrow uninteresting pathways that have you go back and forth over and over again.

This game does seem to have a lot of potential. I hope these issues get remedied somehow in the future that either shorten these areas, or make them much more interesting.

Great job otherwise!

Would you ever consider selling this game's OST? It's great!

Had a lot of fun with this one. Great job! I've always enjoyed games that implemented manual reloading mechanics, but the manual walking was definitely new to me haha!

I encountered 1 minor bug, however.

If you happen to pause the game with your revolver drawn, and then click "Resume" to unpause, the game will fire your weapon, essentially wasting a round.

Aw, man. I was streamin this, havin' fun, and tried just about everything but that. I'd have never thought to press the Windows Key. Thanks!

(3 edits)

Fantastic game! Super unique!

However, I did run into some illogical decisions made by the Dealer.

You can either watch how it played out in the video below between the times of 3:23:13 - 3:26:29 (sorry for the excessive talking lol), or you can read the description below:

So in one of the earlier rounds (no items involved yet), we're shown there are 3 LIVE and 2 BLANK.

I go first by pulling the trigger on the Dealer. It comes up BLANK.

It's now 3 LIVE and 1 BLANK.

The Dealer takes a hold of the shotgun, points it at himself, and pulls the trigger. This is already an odd decision because his chance of survival was 25% at this point, but let's just assume the Dealer has an ego problem, and wanted to show off how lucky he can be. His decision ended up working in his favor. It came up BLANK, he survived, and he got another turn.

It's now 3 LIVE and 0 Blank.

At this point, I'm certain I'm dead. I just know he's going to point the shotgun at me, and shoot. Surprisingly, the Dealer turns the shotgun on himself, and pulls the trigger.

He had a 100% chance of dying if he pulled the trigger on himself.

I don't know if we, the players, are supposed to assume that the Dealer is never made aware of the starting LIVE vs BLANK ratio, but his decision made no sense if he did know.

For any YouTube streamers out there, YouTube catches the ending Title/Credits music of the game. So be sure to mute the game at that point.

Soft-locking bug:

I played the downloaded/zipped version of this. Any time I would pause during the frog-buy menu, the game would eat my mouse, and I was unable to continue playing.

(1 edit)

Soft-Lock Issue:

If Katherine Warren (the Mayor's daughter) is allowed to get behind the door that leads to the Diamond Key, she prevents you from leaving the room.

Go to 4:13:58 in the video below to see what I'm talkin about. Luckily I was able to get out at 4:26:02, but it was by pure luck.

(8 edits)

Not a bad game, however, as for some feedback...

1) I found it unfortunate that every weapon in the game is practically useless.

From what I can tell, melee is completely useless. Melee attacks do not knock-back, or stumble enemies, and because the protagonist's melee attack animation is so long, it leaves you wide open for a counter-attack from the enemy. The enemy simply absorbs the player's hit, and continues along with their attack as if nothing ever hit them.

Alternatively, you can shoot the zombies, and it can lay them out flat, but this is only temporary. The zombies ALWAYS get back up. They never die completely. I suppose ballistics can serve to get the player out of a tight situation, but the zombies are so spongy that you're likely to receive a lot of damage, or even die, before dropping the enemies cornering you.

Because of all this, the game basically discourages the player from even using their weapons, and instead encourages the player to run in and out between enemies.

I'm sure it's a difficult balance to obtain, but at the moment, gunplay and melee are not great.

2) An option for auto-aim, and toggling between targets would be really nice!

3) This one is simply a personal preference, but the menus' incredibly bright and saturated blue are quite harsh on the eyes. I'm having difficulty even writing this post because my eyes are bleeding from the blue on this page haha! 

Everything else was really good!

Hope to see more from you in the future!

(3 edits)

Some feedback:

- Account for QWERTY Keyboards
- There seems to be a massive memory leak. The longer the game is left to sit, the worse it runs. The framerate continues to dip lower and lower over time.
- Ease off the Depth of Field. It's cranked WAY too high.
- Game is VERY dark
- The fish-eye effect seems to be completely pointless, and serves no other purpose than to be annoying. I get that it's supposed to be a body-cam, however, I feel it's only in the game because it was sort of the hot new trend there for a bit. I feel the game would benefit from having it removed.

With the game being too dark, the DoF cranked to 100, and the pointless fish-eye effect... it makes SEEING your game rather frustrating.

"All music tracks in this video game are copyright free" - Fears to Fathom Intro

YouTube is catching me on 2 songs:

boyfriend - Original Key - PianoNest 

2) Vitamin 128 bpm D#min - Dreamlife

YouTube's bot has wrongfully claimed these though. The first song does sound similar to the song in the game, but it's not the same song. The 2nd song claimed doesn't sound anything like the song played in the game.

Unfortunately, there's no "your content ID bot is wrong, YouTube" option in the dispute section.

Fantastic! Thank you!

"A deer by the lake... my chance of getting meat."

-my view of the game

lol please add a brightness slider or something

Liminal State community · Created a new topic BUG
(1 edit)

I found this bug in the version you removed about a month ago, and it persists in the new version here.

In case you're unaware of it, I thought I'd go ahead and mention it because it's really frustrating.

Below I've posted an image of where this bug sits.

In the corner of this room, you are able to fall through the map. It's easy to do because the pipe you jump from above basically has you fall right into it. I fell through the map a few times, and the "Restart Level" option sends you WAY back; forcing me to redo the entire fuse box section of the game—which is 2 load-screens back. This bug wouldn't be so annoying if the Restart Level option simply sent me back to the room left of the room pictured below.

Other than that, the game is fun! Glad it's back on itchio!

My ONLY complaint about this game is that I wanted more!

I can't say I've seen such a polished, high-fidelity game of this quality on itchio before, and I've easily played hundreds of itchio titles.

Color me extremely impressed! Lots of really cool ideas, interesting takes on common game mechanics, and great atmosphere!

Absolutely recommend!

I can tell a lot of time and effort went into this. This is a solid hour long experience, and it blows me away that you're offering this for free. Great work!

However, I'm not sure I'd categorize this as horror. Imo it's more of a drama/mystery with some scenes of gore here and there.

Couldn't play for more than about 15 seconds. The fish-eye effect is incredibly disorienting. Please consider removing it, giving the option to turn it off, or at least tone it down.

(1 edit)

Hey, heads up. No one is able to purchase your game at the discounted $0.65 USD price. Itchio doesn't let us. It informs us that "due to processing fees, the minimum is 100 cents ($1.00)."

I'm blown away that this game is free!

I've gotta say... I've spent a LOT of my streaming career looking through, and playing hundreds and hundreds of itchio games, and every so often I stumble upon a gem on here.

Pumpkin Panic is one of those gems. This was a ton of fun to play. Thank you!

Tossed you $10 for the game. I hope to eventually see this game expanded upon one day, but if not, it was blast playing 1.1!

(5 edits)

VISUAL BUG: (***potential spoiler***) If you have the lighter in your inventory when you place fuse into the fuse box, the game will delete the lighter from your inventory. However, you actually still have it, and can use it on the stove.

In the options menu, it says "Sensibility". I'm pretty sure you meant "Sensitivity".
