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A member registered Aug 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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oh my god that'd be awesome

Wow, it's been a while. I've seen the EN version, and I can finally understand it! Thank you for taking your time to do this, your game is great!

File a bug report and if they can't solve it, get your refund.

i just figured that out

i think that theres a conversion cart maybe


Which title screen??


Cool game! Only problem im having is that I can't understand it (lol)! Maybe if you have free time, you could make an english translation ver.?

yeah and ds & ds lite can go all the way back to gameboy og i think


paint. net ( for download)


i dont think so but im sure that will happen soon if maltby sees this :D

try googling or searching through youtube lol

the game may not handle well as you have to use Move To and it does pause input (i believe) so i don't think that would work, but you could use animation frames and multiple sprites to make it look like its moving..?

(1 edit)

lol i know this isn't very relevant but my birthday is in 9 days, and gb studio 2 is hopefully going to be so much fun to use to make games on my birthday :D

also i have a few extra ideas for 2.0.0:

- studio mod support (eg. custom emulator, support for features not supplied by maltby but by modders)

- player overlays (like a hat sprite so if you have multiple characters and you dont want to make multiple sprites with a hat for, use an overlay and it puts the overlay over the character along with 3 sides like a moving player sprite)

- and folders to organize sprites with their category.

I dont know if any of these ideas will be added but it would make game development much easier (especially the sprite overlay)

currently, no. 1.2.1 only supports original GB games, but 2.0.0 should support GBC-enhanced games. I don't know if there will be a "GBA Studio" but I ... wouldn't count on it.

same, but i want them to add multiple premade borders and fonts for gb studio, i don't want to modify the current since i usually mess things up when i try to change it :v

to change the font of dialouge in your game, go to your assets folder in file explorer, then go to ui, and open ascii.png. you can change what the letters look like in there!

keep in mind that they have to still be the same colours since its a part of gb studio, and it won't work on physical hardware with custom colors (yet)

thanks lol

can't play: the assets folder wasn't supplied so it doesn't build properly, and everything is white. :(

ooh, cool!

hmm, ive never used that program before. i might see whats going on, but please send me the videos your using so i can reproduce your bug.

also make sure you enable play in browser :)

i check everyday for the update. i'm also REALLY excited.

you should upload the web version as a zip so i can play it in the browser; i cant play it since im on my phone right now.

wow! scary and entertaining!

to make an animated intro you can use fades, animation frames, and sprites.

 for your graphic limit suggestion: maltby doesnt get a choice on that, its based off real gameboy hardware so people with flash can use the games without a problem.

sad i cant try it, my phone doesnt like APK files. could you try making it work on the web instead of having to do a download? even a pc version would be fine with me :)

the sprite-over-textbox issue is a gb studio issue, it could be fixed by hiding sprites at the bottom of the screen when dialouge is shown, but that may take a while. good luck!

(also, what font is this page in? i'd like to use it for my profile lol)

(1 edit)

alright; the .gbsproj file has been added

man i just noticed another bug i forgot to fix

im tired

ill fix this in the morning :(

1.2.2 isnt coming out, 2.0.0 is. 

currently theres no exact release date, its more of a release-on-finish kind of update, but we know that it should be dropping this august! :]

from what ive seen in the new trailer for 2.0.0, multiple sprites might be able to move at the same time, so what your thinking of might be do able when it releases. for now, you could try using a player sprite sheet with the character thats chasing you behind the player, but im not too sure how you could do that.

sorry for so many comments but if anybody has any questions about gb studio or needs some help, reply to this and ill try to help you. if you want to see what people like me have been using gb studio for, check out my profile. im happy to help!

im sure something like that already exists, or something around that idea. look around on google!

i think thats more of,  not the game.

wrong place to comment, bud.

im sure would remove this if it continued to be updated even after nintendo told them to stop so nintendo wont file a lawsuit against or the creator.