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A member registered Jul 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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I’ve beaten him while recording video for!

Full run (terrible run actually) -

(2 edits)

My friend has finally beaten me, gotta get back on Twitch

This game is really nice and underrated. I wish I could do a fullscreen (Every time I try to resize it or mine a weird byte, it freezes my entire system forcing me to restart which is a little annoying). The game is a little hard to see first time. Couldn't find any memory cores, but I got my pickaxe to max level. It was fun to see my data decreese or ui move while I was mining bytes.

Nice game, I got 1300, I wish there was an edit feature, but it might be too OP

If anyone would like to play this game, on linux here is gcc command to build it:

g++ src/main.cpp -lX11 -lGL -lpthread -lpng -lpulse-simple -lpulse -lstdc++fs -std=c++17

(It's just olc PGE + audio)

If there is anyone using nix, here is the shell with all build dependencies:

shell -p gcc xorg.libXft xorg.libXinerama libGL libpng pulseaudio

Unfortunately, I can't run this game (I'm on linux but the arch is different). Maybe, if you shared the source code I could build it myself.

Why only 267 participants?

Thank you for playing my game!

It's really hard for me to choose controls, because I don't really play games. I chose S because it is near A and D and sometimes it's useful to disable cling. Music is disabled by default and to enable it you need to press the button on the title screen.

Really nice puzzle! Artwork and sound effects are great! Could used "heavy three" a bit more and difficulty cure might be better. Otherwise I enjoyed this game so much! I couldn't think one person can make this in 3 days (even with game engine and late submissions)

Nice relaxing game, really nice art and actually nice music. I wish player could move faster and it would be great to be able to move diagonally. Also, you could enable full-screen button in game settings. I couldn't get good ending (always die on asteroid attack) but maybe I'll return to this game later.

Nice relaxing game, really nice art and actually nice music. I wish player could move faster and it would be great to be able to move diagonally. Also, you could enable full-screen button in game settings. I couldn't get good ending (always die on asteroid attack) but maybe I'll return to this game later.

Music is disabled by default. To enable press "Music" button on title screen

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Там синий ключ в левом нижнем углу и красный справа

Cool game, you should set filter mode on dinosaur sprites to point

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I use my own "Rendering framework" called Mova:


С понятностью мне ещё работать и работать, за три дня я решил написать подобие графической библиотеки для esmcripten, по этому мало что успел сделать, спасибо за feedback

Должны были,

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Что за стрим?

Желаю удачи попасть в следующие джемы

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Попробуй пройти через первое припятствие, попрыгай там..

Подбери шар и нажми R, потом поймёшь

Там написяно, что E работает только когда ты призрак

Очень напомнила Minecraft карту:

Интересная идея, удачи




So cool

See Description

Upload it as a web game, no as a downloadible

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How to play?

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Просто комп Unity не тянет... А в godot я ещё не разбираюсь

А можно без движка? Скажем на Java или C++?