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A member registered Apr 05, 2020

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Schnitzel isn't taking any damage, is this an error or am I just a scrub that keeps missing his swings? I'm pretty sure it isn't the latter because I swung at him point blank and he still didn't take any damage.

Hi Pinktea! I just want to say I really enjoyed this and I am excited to see future developments.

When im loading a save (I'm playing on android btw) the save does not load up unless I exit the app a few times and reopen it. The loading bar reaches 100 but the save will noy load without me doing my little exit and reenter thing.

How do I do that? I'm playing on android btw

I am on the latest public version 1.05 and what happened before was that I travelled to the other island with Ayane and went to the other fox shrine and fought Hanako and went through the rest of the feast event. Afterwards, I went back to the first island and synthesized the prophet's garb and formal wear and went to the area with gargoyles to fight for sp. I defeated the first one fine but when i fought the second one the error happened. I maxed out the sp fighting jinkos after i reloaded the game and I did not go back to the gargoyle area.

I got this typeerror when I went back to the main island to farm gargoyles for sp can you see if this can be fixed please?