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A member registered Jan 03, 2023

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Ezmore's Crystal is a beautiful action-fantasy open world RPG game using Lego-like designs for the characters. The game provides fun quests to complete, and you are never safe, there is always the risk of getting attacked by the many creatures that populate, Lagosland.

One thing I can appreciate about this game is the beautiful soundtrack. The music is very catchy and peaceful and fits in with the medieval them present in Ezmore's Crystals. Another thing I appreciate about this game is the vast number of weapons, armour and bracers. This game really motivates me to obtain the greatest weapon, armour e.t.c.  Thegraphics are very good, given that this game was created by a small group of people. Though this game is not perfect, there are many bugs that plague this game. One notable case is when you get stuck against a solid object, I also wish that there were other methods of moving, as using the cursor to move is very inconvenient, also, most people are more used to other methods of moving, such as using the WASD keys, or the arrow keys. And lastly fighting is boring as you just click the mouse and just wait until your enemy has fallen, there may be a bit of clicking the 6 and 7 buttons to drink a potion but that's it. I wish the fighting was more interactive by fighting by clicking and having to aim accurately.

In conclusion this game is very fun but has some moderate issues. I rate this a 7/10.