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A member registered Jan 02, 2022

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I'm confused, if purchasing will you have to pay for each chapter or will subsequent chapters be part of the purchase ? 

i'm SO looking forward to this, and possibly dreading it as much, already sad that the journey is ending :'(

i have had 4 playthroughs , first two with Jaye only, 1 with Jaye and Mallory , and then one with Mallory and Lisa 

so just about any content is good with me :-D

DAMN you, that was WAY too short , now i had to go and play it all over from the beginning :-D

Don't sweat it, I've been a software engineer for decades and I know some things just can't be rushed, but it still sucks to be on the receiving end of waiting 😂

having bought it on Steam kinda sucks right now , i'm impatient alright ?  :-D 

wow, this game, and those characters, what a rollercoaster ride 

i've cried several times , not just a few tears running, open floodgates, even sobbing, both from happiness and from sadness 

i am awe of how invested you made me in the characters, and in the story that's both relatable and certainly not 

i came (no put intended) for the porn, but got so so so very much more