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A member registered Dec 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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I don't really understand what I was surposed to be doing. The game would only let me put down and delete keys.

The VR game play looked interestign though.

I think this is a really interesting concept, but I wonder if it would be more interested if the different needs decreased at different rates. Perhaps if you feed the cat too much too quickly their exercise levels decrease faster?

(1 edit)

I stumbled across a glitch in which the vendor floats above the inventory screen such that it looks liek they are standing inside it.

I'd go as far as to say it has more story than most of the other games at the minute, and is a really interesting idea.

I very quickly lost track of where I'd already been and where I needed to go next since I couldn't see any difference with the animals after having clicked on them.

It also felt a little iritating that it sends you back to the start every time, but I can't tell if that was intentional or not.

It was very hard to tell where to go when first starting the game, particularly after getting the TNT.

Whilst I don't think the player moved too fast, the movement feels to inaccurate given how tight a time limit you have.

Some form of volume control wouldn't go amiss.
Occasionally enemy projectiles became invisible but still hit me and the range of the player attacks feels too short when compared to the enemies attack range.

It's very disorienting that the walls and floor have the same texture.

Overall it was a very fun game though.