Looking forward to the wedding, and waiting patiently for the next developments in "Memories"... :)
Recent community posts
USA and European doctors report A1c with a factor of 10 difference (as they do blood sugar). In USA, sugar is milligrams per centiliter, with "normal" being 70-100 fasting. In Europe it's grams per liter, which gives exactly one tenth the number (= 7 to 10). Other way for A1c, I believe -- mine is usually just above 6. Not sure what the units are on this, but a European 53 is the same as an American 5.3, which is very good for anyone.
Just played through the latest update (Chapter 2 part 2) -- and I completely agree, I wouldn't have wanted to exclude Nixie anyway. I read the "Walk it Back" log entry, and because I didn't get 2.2 instantly, I don't know what twist you undid -- something related to Westermark Effect? -- but I want to see more of Rose in the game, and surely wouldn't have any objection to see Petal, Bliss, Rose and/or Moon together in various ways, with or without Nixie or MC (or Chuck and/or Wendy, for that matter).
I've downloaded and extract 0.6 twice now, and the launcher still won't start. I'm on Kubuntu 20.04 and lots of other games that use the "same" Ren'Py launcher work fine. 0.5 worked fine. I've got 32 GB RAM, 10+ GB of free space on the volume the launcher lives on, and a 4+ GHz 8-core processor, so I don't think there's a resource problem. Suggestions?